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How To Write a Synthesis Essay for Academics: A Step-by-Step Guide.

You’ve been assigned to write a synthesis essay for your English class. Wondering how to write the perfect synthesis essay? This guide will walk you through each step, from beginning to end.

What is a synthesis essay?

A synthesis essay service is a paper that provides an overview of a topic and also presents the evidence and viewpoints in support of the author’s argument. It’s typically written in third-person point-of-view with “you” in the first person, but can be written in first or second person as well.

What should you include in your synthesis essay?

In order to write a successful synthesis essay, you’ll need to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction will give readers an overview of what the argument is about along with why it matters. 

The body will present your arguments for and against one side of the argument using evidence from both sides. Finally, you’ll conclude by summarizing what you learned from your research as well as what could be done to solve any underlying problems.


What makes an argument persuasive?

An argument is persuasive when it is supported by evidence that is credible, relevant, and sufficient. In other words, the evidence used in an argument must be trustworthy in the eyes of the reader.

Credibility refers to whether or not a point is substantiated by evidence. Relevance refers to how closely the evidence addresses an issue or topic at hand. Finally, an argument must have enough supporting evidence to make a strong case for its position.


Synthesis Essay Structure

The synthesis essay has a specific structure. Here’s an example:


Argument 1: “A”

Evidence 1-4

Argument 2: “B”

Evidence 5-8


This is just one way to write a synthesis essay. Follow this format, and you’ll have the perfect synthesis essay!


Writing the introduction

The introduction is the first paragraph of your paper, so this is where you should get right to it. In the introduction, introduce your topic, summarize what it is and why it matters, and define the scope of your essay.

Let’s say you’re writing about the benefits of water. You’ll want to start off by explaining what water is and how it’s essential for life. From here you can go on to explain that while some people might be aware of these benefits, others may not know they have them because they aren’t always accessible. 

The next step would be to discuss how water can impact different aspects of life such as health or agriculture. Your conclusion could be that water should be a priority

by people both within and outside a community in order for everyone’s needs to be met.

So now that we’ve gone over some basics for writing an introduction, let’s move on to the body!


Writing the body paragraphs

To write the body of a synthesis essay, you’ll need to think about your thesis statement. Your thesis statement is the main idea or point that you want to make. The body of your paper will discuss evidence and viewpoints in support of your argument.

Step 1: Brainstorm ideas for the introduction

Your opening paragraph should include a thesis statement that begins with “In this essay,” “Thesis Statement,” or something similar. This will let readers know what the essay is about right off the bat and get them interested in reading more.

 It should also briefly introduce the topic at hand before diving into the rest of your introduction paragraph. You can do this by identifying key terms, explaining what they mean, and then giving a brief overview of the topic’s significance. Consider including an overview of how you plan to address

it in your paper as well as an example or two from another source on how other people have addressed it before.

Step 2: Write your thesis statement

The next step is to write your thesis statement, which will be at the beginning of each body

paragraph to help direct where readers should go next and make sure they understand what you’re talking about. Avoid clunkiness by using precise terms when possible



A synthesis essay is a type of academic writing that takes a topic or idea and breaks

it down to its most basic parts. Like a synthesis essay, many of the paper’s paragraphs should be focused on different aspects

of the same topic or idea. Study Help Me offers academic Assignment Help USA to students for a very low cost to get rid of that stress and just get in touch with us!

A synthesis essay is a type of academic writing that takes a topic or idea and

breaks it down to its most basic parts. Like a synthesis essay, many of the paper’s paragraphs should be focused on different

aspects of the same topic or idea. Study Help Me offers academic essay writing services to students at a very low cost to get rid of that stress and just get in touch with us! Thanks for reading the article.

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